DuckDNS SSL certificates


I have installed hassio on a Rasperry 4 (3.7/hassos_rpi4-3.7.img.gz) with the Duck DNS and the Samba Share Addon. The Duck DNS addon should generate certificates, but the ssh share stays empty,

Once I updagte my configuration.yaml with

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem 

the hassio doesn’t boot anymore. Can someone help me?

Once SSL is enabled and you have a base URL set, you’ll need to access the frontend over https:// even locally. Try https://hassio.local:8123 or https://your-ip:8123

I tried this, but it didn’t work.
Can you confirm that the ssl certificates should be available at \hassio\ssl ?

Well, they should be in the /ssl folder which is on the root directory in the container (the actual location on the host is /mnt/data/supervisor/ssl). You’re saying they’re not there? Check for errors in the add-on log.

To verify which files are generated and where I installed the “SSH & Web Terminal” addon. During the installation the RSA keys have been generated, so everything works now. In my opinion the “Duck DNS” still doesn’t generate the keys, but for me everything is ok now.

What I don’t understand is that the /addons/ directory is empty. Also the /mnt/ directory is empty.

I also have this problem. I iunstalled add-on duckDNS but no certificaties are issued…