I’ve had DuckDNS working for quite a while, but after a reboot of my HassIO, everything came back up fine, except for Duck DNS. I’m now now getting the below error when I navigate to my instance using my DuckDNS URL.
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at https://myURL.duckdns.org/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
The configuration is the same as when it was working for months. No other changes I can recall in regards to Duck DNS.
The add-on handles getting a certificate from Lets Encrypt (only when it needs a new one), and updates your DuckDNS hostname with your current external IP address. It’s not hosting the front end for you, and doesn’t need to run all the time.
Are you sure your HA didn’t get a new IP address, so your forward isn’t working any more?
2019-12-10 04:37:11 ERROR (Thread-4) [pychromecast.socket_client] [House speaker:8009] Failed to connect to service Lenovo-Smart-Display-09cc56f2a4b71e18ee7ced03edb5865e._googlecast._tcp.local., retrying in 5.0s
I also have had a new IP address a few weeks ago but DuckDNS seems to have taken care of that automatically back then.
look in your ddns logs in the add-on. It’ll tell you if you have errors.
I can’t find this particular log. Where is this add-on?
I’m running 0.107.7 and duckdns stopped working when I installed it. I decided to hold off fixing it until I got the upgrade running again with all my scripts, etc.
It still does not work. I’ve checked my configuration, my ip matches what duckdns has. I did an update (duckdns.org/update?update…) and it comes back with OK like it is supposed to. I upgraded the plugin to the latest 1.12.0 and it still does not work.
My config file looks like this:
@petro - what do you mean by ddns logs? I have been looking for any errors and still no luck. The duckdns log in HA shows:
[15:20:49] INFO: OK
XX.XX.XXX.XXX (correct ip address)
it checks every 300 seconds as in my configuration file. I’m unsure if there is something different about running in a Raspian Docker container versus my previous install was hassio.
I’m looking at all the logs but don’t see anything amiss so maybe this ddns log holds the key?
Thanks for the reply Petro.
Yes, I checked the router to ensure it was still forwarding the port.
Like I said, it was working then stopped when I went to Raspbian, Docker and HA 0.107.7. I’m thinking there was something I overlooked. See my post from last week above.
It Worked!
I’m glad you said that Petro. (See something - say something.
I commented out the
#server_port: 8123
line and now it works after a restart! I’ve rebooted the system many times but now it works. Crazy that it used to work for the past 1-1/2 years or so with that in my configuration.yaml file.
My duckdns domain stopped working after a while, although I didn’t change any settings. Remote acces adress (https…mydomain…duckdns.org) works if accessed from local network, but fails to load from outside, it shows briefly loading page then this error
https://mydomain.duckdns.org:xxxxx/auth/authorize?response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmydomain.duckdns.org%3Axxxxx%2F%3Fauth_callback%3D1&client_id=https%3A%2F%2Fmydomain.duckdns.org%3Axxxxx%2F&state=eyJoYXNzVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9oYWlzdXMuZHVja2Rucy5vcmc6NTE5NzkiLCJjbGllbnRJZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaGFpc3VzLmR1Y2tkbnMub3JnOjUxOTc5LyJ9 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
My config file looks like this
Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)
Hey I haven’t updated home assistant for months now. Today I decided to update HA + the OS and after I can’t access my HA remotely. I get exactly the same url in my browser.
At this stage I have restored from 2021.11.5 back to 2021.6.6 and I can access again. I will have to go through the change logs and find out what’s been removed or added that is affecting remote access.
There is a fairly good free alternative to DuckDNS in dynu.com. I hacked together a docker container that will keep updating both of them, so I can switch at a moment’s notice if necessary:
Nov 01 21:28:50 dynu.com: nochg
Nov 01 21:28:51 duckdns.org: OK
Nov 01 21:33:51 dynu.com: nochg
Nov 01 21:33:53 duckdns.org: OK
Nov 01 21:38:53 dynu.com: nochg
Nov 01 21:38:54 duckdns.org: OK
Nov 01 21:43:54 dynu.com: nochg
Nov 01 21:43:54 duckdns.org: OK
Nov 01 21:48:55 dynu.com: nochg
Nov 01 21:48:55 duckdns.org: OK