Duplicate Chromecast?


I have a problem with my chromecasts, both original and audio. I have Discovery enabled, so there is no entry in my yaml, but the Discovery component has a duplicate entry for each of the Chromecasts. How can I delete these dupes? Should I turn discovery off and make manual entries for the CC? Or is there another place I can look to get rid of the duplicates? Thank you!


I have the CC 2nd generation and sometimes the same is happening to me… I have no idea how to fix it as I am completely new on HA.


Same problem. Cromecast audio(2nd gen)
Chromecast Video (1st gen) OK

Album cover not showing on CC Audio either

I talked about it over on the Gitter and found out that it has to do with the CC Audio groups that we set up. Home Assistant sees any group as an CC Audio, so that’s why it is getting doubled up. The best way to fix it would be to turn off Discovery and build the components as usual.

Not sure on the Cover Art, didn’t know that was a feature