Duplicate Marantz Receiver media_player entities passed to HomeKit Bridge

I have a Marantz receiver that I integrated in Home Assistant using the Denon integration. That seems to work fine.

I’ve also included the Marantz media_player entity to be used in HomeKit Bridge. But, this creates two identical and switch entities in HomeKit which automatically show as as single tile. When I command Siri to turn on the receiver, it complies, but the screen message (Apple TV) labels the entity as “Switches” instead of Receiver as I’ve renamed it in HomeKit. I’ve also tried to show as separate tiles which didn’t help.

Is there any way to prevent the duplicate Marantz media player entity from appearing in HomeKit?

Is there any place to fix the name used by Siri?

I eventually figured out one of the switches was power and the other was mute. I have no idea why the HA HomeKit integration does it this way, but I separated and renamed them again then left it alone for the night. This morning, Siri displays the new names when I turn on the “Receiver” via voice.