DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0


Dwains Home Assistant Dashboard

Hello, I am Dwain. I’m using Home Assistant for over 2 years now. At the end of the summer 2019 I thought why does nobody has made a dashboard which builds automatic by a configuration file. I have a own web development company so I thought why not make a own theme and release it to the public. The result: Dwains Dashboard.

Have a feature request?
Please open an issue on GitHub with the title FR or Feature Request

You can use the this thread to ask any questions you have. Or join my Home Assistant Addicts Discord server, it’s 100% free and 100% fun!
Home Assistant Addicts Discord

YouTube Channel
If you like you can subscribe on my Home automation YouTube channel I will soon start posting some more videos there.

Like what you see?
If you appreciate what I have made you can Buy me a coffee/beer, donate to my PayPal account or sponsor me on Github

Beside my love for Dwains Dashboard I also create my own smarthome products (ESPHome)




This post will always display information about latest version


Over the past months, I had poured my heart and soul into rewriting a staggering 70% of the core code of Dwains Dashboard. The changes were profound. The dashboard is now leaner, meaner, and oh-so-much faster. But perhaps the most significant improvement lay in its loading speed. Gone were the days of agonizingly slow load times. With a groundbreaking overhaul, I had managed to slash the initial loading time to mere seconds. And once loaded, the performance was nothing short of stellar, ensuring a smoother and more responsive user experience than ever before.

Please consider a donation :+1:

Beside my love for Dwains Dashboard I also create my own smarthome products

Check out my latest product UltimateSensor Mini which I also launched today :slightly_smiling_face: It measures CO2, temperature, humidity, mmWave with 3 person detection, LUX, NOx, VOC, PM and Microphone + Speaker for Home Assistant Voice :smile:

New Features

  • Dashboard Settings Update : Introduced “Disable show sensor as graph” option, allowing users to opt out from the default sensor graph display.

Major Improvements

  • Significantly Enhanced Loading Speed : A groundbreaking improvement in both the initial loading time and overall dashboard performance, ensuring a smoother and faster user experience.


  • Compatibility : Now fully compatible with Home Assistant 2024.3.
  • Dashboard Performance : Enhanced speed when switching between pages, creating a more responsive navigation experience.
  • Standardization : Transitioned to default Home Assistant cards (tiles, thermostat cards) for a unified look. Originally, when I first created DD 3.0, the specific cards I envisioned weren’t available, leading me to design my own. It seems HA has now incorporated cards remarkably similar to those I designed directly into their platform, so I’ve adopted these standard HA cards for efficiency and consistency.


  • Mobile Usability : Addressed issues with the HA side menu behaving unpredictably on mobile devices, including a gap at the top of pages and the navbar overlaying pop-ups/modals.
  • Icon and Input Handling : Fixed missing icons and issues with loading inputs when editing blueprints.
  • Blueprint and More Page Creation : Resolved bugs preventing the display of newly created blueprints and ‘more pages’.
  • Localization and Naming : Corrected language/translation display issues in house information and cards, as well as irregular area name labelling within pop-ups.
  • House Information Pop-ups : Replaced simple icon + name cards with specific Home Assistant cards tailored to the relevant domain, enhancing detail and clarity.
  • Python SafeLineLoad Error : Successfully resolved an issue related to Python SafeLineLoad, eliminating related errors.
  • Dwains Popups : The Dwains Popups now have the same design as the default HA popups.

New here with Dwains Dashboard?


Reserved for future updates 2


Looking good! nice work on the theme, will save it for later maybe i am going to use it one day. :slight_smile:

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Nice dwains

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Tried it yesterday,
Really nice and easy install.
Today iam gonna finish it and Will post the result!

I hope you get it 100% up and running then I know that it works. So I can release it to the public :slight_smile:

Amazing! Did I miss the link to download the theme? I’d love to test this out. This is game changing!

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I will release it ASAP :smiley: I will post it as first here in this topic.

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Thanks! And I’m in the noob camp so a detailed instruction write up would be most appreciated. Your setup is exactly what I’ve been searching for for months


If this is what I think it is then it should be included in HA out of the box. Great work.

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It looks great! Can’t wait to try it out.
Been using HASS for a month and I feel that my UI is ugly, this theme might change that :smiley:


I must add that my theme is focused on mobile view for now. But i’m working hard to also make it look awesome on tablet/desktop soon :slight_smile:


Looks awesome. Love the clean look. Was looking in building something that is wife friendly :grin::grin::grin:

You nailed it. Let us know when when we can test for you.


looks great!

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Ohhhh me likey. Can’t wait to try the tablet version. This makes it look so professional

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Where did you actually get it from?

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I’ve never really liked Lovelace, but this has caught my interest.


He has it because he is in our slack groups (maintained by @jimz011 and @dwains).

Joining our slack group gives you the ability to test themes like this early (as well as my own theme Homekit Infused).

But I’m not here to talk about my theme. I am here to tell you to test his theme, it is really great. It is imho one of the best themes out there right now (that contains not just the standard HA cards). I had the chance to test it myself as well and it works pretty great.

And most of all, join our slack group, because it is really awesome! Find the links on each of our repos and remember, respect is everything!

Keep posting in here so that people get notified about this theme!


Ziet er knap uit, ik kijk uit naar de release!