DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Please wait. :slight_smile: I will release it official soon (wednesday 5-2-2020) around 20:30 (UTC +1)

Edit: It will be later as expected, need some more doc writing time, sorry folks!


I will wait for an official release

I will wait too

Me too… waiting… :slight_smile:

I need this in my life

I am waiting :slight_smile:

There is 1 bug which needs to be fixed before you can rock on the installation/release. I’m working as hard as possible on it. I worked today from 8 this morning till now 22h so, 14 hours straight on this theme. I need to check one config and then its done. I hope you respect it and don’t mind that it’s delayed some hours… I will report when it is ready for release


we waited ages for an awesome theme like that, so waiting a few more hours or even days shouldn´t be a big deal. thanks for the great work, take your time!

How do you handle door locks? i was looking through your info and did a test install and aside from door, i don’t see a config options for locks

Also, reading the the setup, aside from groups, do rooms support multiple entities of the same type? or do you use groups to setup multiples? Answered my own question, groups seems to fix the multiple entity thing.

Completely agree. Don’t be sorry for anything!

I’m seeing that your theme is based on groups, however in the latest version of hass (v0.105), functionality of groups are deprecated. How will that effect on your theme?

That is just not true.

Changes in hass 0.105:

Group Deprecated - Group configurations options, services and service options related to the old states UI are now deprecated and pending for removal in Home Assistant 0.107.0.

This includes:

  • The view and control configuration options for a group
  • The group.set_visibility service call
  • The control , visible , and view options on the group.set service call.

Please ensure your configuration and automations do not use these anymore. -

The rest of groups is still alive and kicking the naysayers in the nuts,


For my lights, I’ve moved to light group instead of group of lights. Light group is a domain and will not act as a normal group. However I don’t know if this will affect on the theme, when it will be released.

It wont affect it. Only the group functionality used on the states-ui will be deprecated. Before lovelace, the states-ui was the default interface, and the way to set that up was through the means of groups. At that time it also meant we had no way to modify the interface other than to use groups. Groups had extra functionality so that we had at least some kind of customization.

Those extra features are the features that will deprecate as the states-ui will be deprecated as well.

Core functionality of groups will remain.


Looks real good, i am looking forward to the release !

A group of lights or a lights group will work both in my theme if you wanna use it inside a room lights.

I’m now discussing some things before the release on or English Slack group and @mase asked if its possible to set the cameras page to a other page. It has set me thinking. All pages are now fixed, but I can make one page dynamic with default option.
Are other people who prefer this option?
Then I need to do this before releasing it official, because I need to refactor all views (not that much work I guess few hours).

One dynamic page would be a good idea. There will be always need for some flexibility. One design cannot fit all.

Okay I will add this for you and then release it. I already made a function to add ‘addons’ to my theme yesterday. So you can add own pages with cards to individual rooms and add custom pages on the more page. This way you can maintain my theme, don’t change any core code but still add/extend it. So future updates don’t break it.
I’m going to change this, write docs for it and wrap it up then release it.