Dynamic Icon not working with ESP8266 based garage door

Trying to figure this out after scouring the forums.

I have an ESP8266 that I have programmed using this how-to GarHAge
Here is my configuration.yaml

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Garage Door Test"
    unique_id: "GarageDoor"
    state_topic: "garage/door/1/status"
    command_topic: "garage/door/1/action"
    availability_topic: "GarHAge/availability"
    qos: 0
    optimistic: false
    retain: false
    payload_open: "OPEN"
    payload_close: "CLOSE"
    payload_stop: "STATE"
    state_open: "open"
    state_closed: "closed"
    payload_available: "online"
    payload_not_available: "offline"

I have also added this to customize.yaml

  device_class: garage

Everything is working great including Amazon Echo seeing it as a garage door and allowing me to enable a security code to open using Alexa.

But the only problem is the Button Card Configuration card.
When the cover.garage_door_test is closed it shows the correct icon, but when it is open it only charges the icons color to yellow and does not show the HASS:garage-open icon. As you can see in the example.

The top Garage Door is a MYQ and I want to replace it.

What can i do to fix this? I thought changing the device_class to garage would do that but that did not work.

Thanks for any help.