I have a Broadlink IR blaster controlling a dumb AC that is connected to a Shelly Plug for power monitoring. The AC uses the same code for on or off.
I’ve created scripts for each button control and I’m trying to make “smart” on/off scripts using the power monitoring.
So far, my script is failing at the condition of power states of the Shelly plug. Removing the condition allows the script to run. I’ve verified that the plug is providing state values and even successfully tested the condition in a test automation.
Should I be using an input boolean for scripts? Configuring a helper toggle just gives me a switch, doesn’t seem like I can configure its state based on sensor state.
What I’m trying to do:
Turn off with missed command protection:
-If: power is above 20w
-Then: run ‘turn off’ script
-Then: delay 1 minute
-If: power is above 20w
-Then: run ‘turn off’ script
I just implemented SmartIR today, and noted it does support a power monitor (as well as a temperature sensor), both are optional, but i am seriously considering a power monitor, as the dumb ac has no feedback, so i would ever know if it is really off🤨
That’s pretty interesting. Looking at it, it would require a binary state (on/off) for power. I think that would make scripting easier as well, so does an input boolean helper provide that from a numeric sensor value?