Dynamic variable outside automation scope!?


So I’m nearing the end of how my automation should controll lights based on 4 buttons with 2 modes each (press/hold, ikea styrbar).
I would love to use the parallell mode so that multiple controllers can work simultaneously, but in order to do that I need to get rid of this static input_boolean that detects if a button is held, in order to have some sort of dynamic “is button held on device X” tracking. Is this possible? I’ve been looking into namespace variables but falling short on how to implement it.

The way my code is now will block multiple devices from acting simultaneously because of the “restart” mode. And I need to make separate input_booelans per device…

    name: Button is held
    initial: false

# Add eligible devices here with ieee followed by entity to control
  - alias: Zigbee|IkeaButtons|ClickEvents
    id: Zigbee|IkeaButtons|ClickEvents
    mode: restart
    #max: 5
      event_type: zha_event
      platform: event
      # Populate with valid device_ieee for Ikea_E2002 buttons
      - variables:
          # key value { 'ieee' : 'entity_id'}
          device_id: >
            {% set devices = {'ChangedForObviousReasons': 'light.office_ceiling', 
                              'XX:YY:XX:YY:XX:DD:AA:SS': '02', 
                              'XX:YY:XX:YY:XX:DD:AA:SS': '03',
                              'XX:YY:XX:YY:XX:DD:AA:SS': '04'
            {{ devices[trigger.event.data.device_ieee] }}          
          command: >
            {% set commands = { 'on'                    : 'up_click',
                                'move_with_on_off083'   : 'up_hold',
                                'off'                   : 'down_click',
                                'move183'               : 'down_hold',
                                'press257130'           : 'left_click',
                                'hold33290'             : 'left_hold',
                                'press256130'           : 'right_click',
                                'hold33280'             : 'right_hold',
            {{commands[trigger.event.data.command + trigger.event.data.args|join]}}
      - service: >
          input_boolean.turn_{{ 'on' if 'hold' in command else 'off'}}
        entity_id: input_boolean.ikea_e2002_01_isheld
      - variables:
          bIncr: 20 # Increment value for brightness change
          cIncr: 40 # Increment value for temperature change          
          smoothDim: "{{ 2 if 'hold' in command else 0 }}"
          bMin: 10 # Min brightness
          bMax: 255 # Max brightness          
          cMin: "{{ state_attr(device_id, 'min_mireds')|int }}" # Min color_temp
          cMax: "{{ state_attr(device_id, 'max_mireds')|int }}" # Max color_temp          
          hardLimit: 10 # Loop block     
      - alias: "Repeat while in MinMax or until release"
            - choose:
              - conditions: "{{ is_state(device_id, 'off') }}"
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      entity_id: "{{ device_id }}"
              - conditions: "{{ is_state(device_id, 'on') }}"
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      entity_id: "{{ device_id }}"
                      transition: "{{ smoothDim }}"
                      brightness: >
                        {% set b = state_attr(device_id, 'brightness')|int %}
                        {% if command == 'up_click'    %}  {%set b = b + bIncr if b + bIncr <= bMax else bMax %}         {% endif %}
                        {% if command == 'up_hold'     %}  {%set b = b + bIncr / 2 if b + bIncr / 2 <= bMax else bMax %} {% endif %}                    
                        {% if command == 'down_click'  %}  {%set b = b - bIncr if b - bIncr >= bMin else bMin %}         {% endif %}
                        {% if command == 'down_hold'   %}  {%set b = b - bIncr / 2 if b - bIncr / 2 >= bMin else bMin %} {% endif %} 
                        {{ b }}
                      color_temp: >
                        {% set c = state_attr(device_id, 'color_temp')|int %}
                        {% if command == 'left_click'  %}  {%set c = c - cIncr if c - cIncr  >= cMin else cMin %} {% endif %}
                        {% if command == 'left_hold'  %}   {%set c = c - cIncr / 2 if c - cIncr / 2  >= cMin else cMin %} {% endif %}
                        {% if command == 'right_click' %}  {%set c = c + cIncr if c + cIncr <= cMax else cMax %} {% endif %}
                        {% if command == 'right_hold' %}   {%set c = c + cIncr / 2 if c + cIncr / 2  <= cMax else cMax %} {% endif %}
                        {{ c }}
                  - delay:
                      seconds: "{{ smoothDim }}"
          until: >
            {{ not (is_state('input_boolean.ikea_e2002_01_isheld', 'on') and repeat.index < hardLimit ) }}