Dear community,
I am finding something weird with Dyson integration.
When I enable the auto_mode on the official Dyson app or with the remote controller, the button entity card of fan.dyson switches off. Is it normal?
Is there a way to easily control auto mode and night mode on lovelace UI?
Create an entity-button card with a tap action that executes the service cal to set the night mode/auto mode, something like this to turn on the auto mode:
action: call-service
service: fan.set_auto_mode
entity_id: fan.dyson_fan
auto_mode: true
Thank you! How to turn it on/off with the same button?
Either you use the hold_action that sends the turn off service call or create a template switch and use this in your lovelace card.
Ok sounds good, thank you!!
Did anyone find why?
Putting this here so I can share it and ( more importantly ) so I can find it if necessary…
~ $ cd config
config $ grep switch configuration.yaml
switch: !include_dir_merge_list switches/
config $ cat switches/template_service_dyson_set_auto_mode.yaml
- platform: template
friendly_name: Living Room Fan Auto Mode
value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.living_room', 'auto_mode', true) }}"
service: dyson.set_auto_mode
entity_id: fan.living_room
auto_mode: true
service: dyson.set_auto_mode
entity_id: fan.living_room
auto_mode: false
config $
When I try to create an entity card as below
action: call-service
service: fan.set_auto_mode
entity_id: fan.dyson_fan
auto_mode: true
It says the fan.set_auto_mode service is not found. I cannot see this under developer tools - call service either.
Do i need to define it somewhere? if so where?