Easiest way to integrate light sensor? To lower shades

When the sun hits a part of my house, I’d like to lower that shade. I read there are ways to reflash devices to integrate into HA, then using mqtt, but is there a more straightforward method?

I use a TSL2561 light sensor attached to a nodemcu and program it with esphome. Then I get a lux figure available as a sensor in HA which goes into the thousands when the sun shines directly on it. When the sun isn’t directly on it, it’s in the hundreds, so it’s pretty easy to decide when it’s sunny.


Thanks Andy-
The advantage of your approach are no batteries, it’s always on for continuous polling. Fun project. I might just start off with an Aqara hub/light sensor to prove the concept, then warm up my soldering gun for DIY boards. The disadvantage is getting housing for your setup and power supply etc; I can’t be sloppy and burn my house down (you should look at my wiring closets).