Eaton/Cooper Switches

Good Afternoon,

My entire holiday break has been moving from homeseer to Home Assistant. So far so good, I am understanding the interface pretty well and the performance is excellent.

My entire 2003 home has Cooper/Eaton switches, scene controllers, sensors etc installed. These previously worked “pretty well” with homeseer however I just got sick of the random functionality issues with the controller, hence why I moved on.

Having said that, perhaps I should have done more research on compatibility with the switches I have. I have many main/accessory switch set ups, multiple 4 way type configurations and nothing is really working.

I was curious, is this really supported or should I be looking for new switch sets and redo over time. If so, what would you go with knowing I have well over 60 switches in the home at this time.


I’m assuming you are talking about Z-wave devices. Before the migration you should have checked Z-Wave JS Config DB Browser for supported devices. Not all devices supported by Homeseer are supported by Z-wave-JS. A search of this forum for the switch model may be helpful as well.

Thank you, yes I did get that far before I made the migration. Did not do it totally blind :slight_smile: This post is because my searches have been pretty light as far as overall compatibility and problems. Was curious if there were others in my position that just said “forget it” and move to something different due to the config issues.

If I remember those are pretty old switches, but it’s hard to say without a model number. If that’s the case, it could be that there just aren’t a lot of people here using them.

You could open an issue on the Z-wave-JS GitHub, but you’ll need to be specific about the problem as opposed to what you stated above. You’ll have to judge the effort vs return. If my entire home were outfitted with them, I’d give it a shot.