I just converted from using a RPI3B+ to a HASSIO running on Docker and Ubuntu 18.04.
When I was on the Pi I had my Ecobee setup and working great. Now I cannot seem to get the integration or configurator to show for the Ecobee on the new setup.
I’ve Read through the https://www.home-assistant.io/components/ecobee/ and the only thing that seems to have changed from when I setup the ecobee before is this added bullet.
" * If you do not have an ecobee card, you may be using groups with default_view that don’t show the card. To get around this you can temporarily comment out the default_view section or add the configurator.ecobee component to your default_view and restart Home Assistant."
As it’s a fresh install it does in fact have the “default_view” in groups.yaml
I have tried commenting it out and restarting, to no avail.
I have also tried adding:
as well as:
“default _view:
name: Climate
view: true
- configurator.ecobee”
I guess I just don’t understand a few things with the “new” way of things.
1; how the “groups” work (yes i’ve read through https://www.home-assistant.io/components/group/, it’s not very helpful)
2; how lovelace changed everything (I think the lovelace addition is when things wen’t weird for me here)
Help, Suggestions, or links for more reading/research would be appreciated.
After hours of trying many things, I remembered I still have the /conf from the previous installation. I copied everything from ecobee.conf on previous to the ecobee.conf on the new installation. Amazingly this worked.
The issue is still there with not being able to get the configuration card for the ecobee. but I guess I’ve bypassed it. Hopefully I’ll never have to setup another.
Take a look at the Lovelace documentation (Watch the video) and start adding devices to your frontend.
I’d love to, but the video has been removed. and that page has almost zero useful information beyond the link to a now nonexistent video.
I don’t really understand why things are only half changed, requiring extra “steps” to go “full lovelace”
I understand the Home Assistant is a hobby type setup, but really. It seems it’s going more and more to the side of “you have to religiously follow multiple pages” to even understand half of what will break when updating/installing. And new features come out much more often than any of the bugged features get fixes for (google location tracking/sharing, OpenEVSE)
Sorry for the rant, but this experience has just frustrated me. It seems that everything I actually WANT to do is broken. But a ton of new “flashy” features that just change the look and only break functionality are what has been worked on.
The video hasn’t been removed… I just watched it after reading your comment.
Here’s a direct link.
There are no steps to go full lovelace. I just used that phrase because you are attempting to use the old interface which doesn’t work. So when you keep adjusting the groups, nothing happens. Going “full lovelace” means YOU AS A PERSON needs to use lovelace. Whether you realize it or not, home assistant is using lovelace. So there are no extra steps.
I really don’t see where this is coming from. The shift to Lovelace happened in December and you’re complaining about it without taking the time to read and learn it in the linked documentation. This isn’t an apple product. You might have to read some things.
Thanks for the video direct link.
Apparently my network is blocking it for some reason. as it’s still showing removed.
My biggest issue with the changes is, it seems, the documentation doesn’t follow the changes. There are pages that refer to things that no longer exist, to “fixes” that are again broken.
I don’t expect this to be an “apple product” nor a “Product” at all, as it’s free to whomever wants to use it.
I’m just dissapointed in how bad the documentation has gotten.
Not sure what caused Ecobee to stop updating on hassio.
Video link for “Editing the user interface” is still broken. I’ve tried accessing it at work, at home, on my phone, at a friends. It’s not there.
Still frustrated with how far behind the documentation lags from what’s actually going on.
I guess I just don’t have the time or coding intelligence to read through every post, and all the sourcecode to actually understand what is going on where, and where things change. HA used to be newb friendly.
Except, it is there. I see it Petro’s post (above) and just played it.
I don’t know why you can’t see it from every location you’ve tried. I’m going to half-seriously suggest that whichever nation you live in blocks certain web-sites.
I can almost guarantee that It’s ecobee’s fault, not HA. Their service is constantly down lately, and all HA control is cloud based, not local. They haven’t released a local API. They have an outage website, and if you don’t believe me click “subscribe to updates” at the top of their site. I get no less than 6 emails a day from them about various parts of it being down.
As to the video, idk, it’s worked fine for me from the beginning and still works fine now, so it might be something very odd going on at your end.
Yeah, I haven’t of any Great Firewall of America so it can’t be that. Did you test accessing the video with multiple devices in several locations or just one device (like your phone). I’m just trying to get a sense of the scope involved. Is the blockage widespread or just due to one device’s quirkiness.
I was going to suggest the inability to access a vanilla YouTube video implies some sort of network malaise that may even impact your Ecobee thermostat’s ability to access its cloud service. But that’s really reaching so let’s ignore that (for now).
Finally figured out what was up with the video. Signed out of my own Google/YouTube account and followed the link “annonymously” and it worked…
Granted the video IMHO is useless… doesn’t really show anything by way of options, what commands are valid etc. Just that clicking the “menu/options” button does something, which any curious person can figure out with a bit of poking around
Can anyone explain in better words than
" * If you do not have an ecobee card, you may be using groups with default_view that don’t show the card. To get around this you can temporarily comment out the default_view section or add the configurator.ecobee component to your default_view and restart Home Assistant."
what that section of the ecobee setup documentation is talking about? As I thought I did whatever they were requesting by completely commenting out any instance of “default_view” in my config.yaml and/or groups.yaml files
yet Petro above has said that this is no longer a fix for what appears, instead it’s the lovelace… How do you get something new to show in lovelace without knowing where/what/etc? I feel this is where the features have completely outrun the documentation specifically with the ecobee setup.
Maybe I’m just consumer material instead of someone who should be playing with open source… oh well, it’s not like I can’t change thermostat settings in person. First world problems.
YAML is very particular regarding entries and formatting. I’ve been searching for some details to get the ecobee configurator to work. The words "add the configurator.ecobee component to your default_view" are insufficient, at least at my level of expertise. What ‘views:’ option entries in ui-lovelace.yaml make things play nice while in default_view?
BTW, everything else is working with respect to the ecobee integration. I can control and see all the parameters I’m interested in. That said, plotting the high and low set-points in History was a bit painful.