Ecobee keeps becoming unavailable

My ecobee randomly decides to stop working from time to time. Each time I have to delete it, then re-add it and go through the whole authorization process again. How can I prevent this from happening, or is there a better way to debug/manage this? It gets quite annoying. Nothing is being touched on the ecobee side. Just randomly on HA reboots it’ll just lose connection.

Interested in a fix for this as well. It seems the token expires during a reboot or a prolonged outage sometimes. Also is the Ecobee control site down for you today?

Ive been running Ecobee integration for quite a while with no issue, but I recently built a new HA install (completely fresh install on new rPi4) and am having this problem suddenly. In fact - my old installation is still working with no problems with the Ecobee integration.

Did you ever find a solution?

The issue has to do with the refresh tokens from Ecobee when you register HA as one of your apps in the Ecobee developer portal. That being said, it’s not too hard to just remove the Ecobee integration from HA, then re-add it. Just make sure you have your API token on hand.

I’ve had the issue where it becomes unavailable and the log mentions an invalid refresh token, a new one was requested but never received. This has only occurred when I reboot HA multiple times in a short period of time.

Thanks for the reply - I did reboot several times in a row over the past couple of days… Hopefully it will remain stable now that i have things mostly setup and shouldnt be rebooting as frequently.

Same issue here, when a big HA update comes along and I update early we immediately get the multitude of HACS updates about the same time I end up rebooting a few times in a row which breaks ecobee. My guess is there are too many authorization requests to the API and it finally gives up. I have decided to wait longer before jumping on the updates so I can do them all at once. If only we could disable integrations for those times we need to do many reboots so they dont ping the API over and over.