Ecobee modes

I have Ecobee setup in HA and using the Ecobee card in lovelace but I would like a way in Lovelace to only show what mode the thermostat is in (home,away,sleep) because with the default card it is to easy to accidently change the temp especially when looking at the dashboard on my phone. And on the default card, it does not show the current mode unless it is actually running, so normally it just shows as “idle” Any way to only display the current mode?

I have both the HomeKit controller and the Ecobee API integrations running because the first allows immediate responses and sensor updates but the latter seems to be the only one that exposes the climate mode. The “idle” that you’re seeing is probably the attribute hvac_action when what you want is this:
{{ state_attr("climate.ecobee", "climate_mode") }}