Ecobee not reporting heat

I’ve got the Ecobee integration setup, but it does not report when the heat kicks in.

<template TemplateState(<state climate.home=heat; hvac_modes=['heat_cool', 'heat', 'cool', 'off'], min_temp=7.0, max_temp=35.0, fan_modes=['auto', 'on'], preset_modes=['Home', 'Away', 'Sleep', 'Telework'], current_temperature=22.6, temperature=23.0, target_temp_high=None, target_temp_low=None, current_humidity=26, fan_mode=on, hvac_action=fan, preset_mode=Home, aux_heat=off, fan=on, climate_mode=Home, equipment_running=fan, fan_min_on_time=40, friendly_name=Home, supported_features=91 @ 2021-01-22T12:51:56.921793-05:00>)>

equipment_running mostly stays at fan, hvac_action always stays at fan.

The humidifier does show up in equipment_running when there is a humidifier call. I’m monitoring the whole block {{ states.climate.home }} in the developer tools and I never see anything about heat, even when the heat kicks in.