Ecobee Smart Premium over Thread

Running HAOS and want to connect to Ecobee Smart Premium using Thread.

Anybody have done this? If so, please share with us the entities that are available through Thread and which thread border router you are using.

I don’t think you can do this, or rather I don’t think you can do this in the way I think you want to do this. Thread is just the communications protocol. By itself that isn’t enough to connect it to Home Assistant. You still need a way to talk a common language to the Ecobee. Matter is the “new” standards way of doing that, but the Ecobee doesn’t do Matter.

What the Ecobee does have is Apple HomeKit support. And that you can use to connect the Ecobee to Home Assistant. I don’t know if the HA Homekit integration uses Thread or just WiFi though, so I can’t tell you if doing it this way will get you a Thread connection, but it will at least get the Ecobee connected directly to HA.

It depends on if the thread radio is enabled by ecobee or not, if its enabled you would be adopting it as HomeKit over Thread, so you can try following these instructions in the thread section: HomeKit Device - Home Assistant