The Ecowitt custom integration works fine for me but it is deprecated in the latest HAOS so the base Ecowitt Integration seems to be the only option. Unfortunately it does not work for me at all (yes all the webhooks are correct). I have used the Ecowitt Proxy that seems to have brought success to others (as Ecowitt does not like HTTP) but that is not working either as it stops on an error stating that the only available Port, 8123, is “in use”. Log pasted in below. The custom integration allows me to use 4199 as the port and that works. Is this something that has been seen by others?
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[17:33:55] INFO: Using webhook ID e31fabf9903b6c9c544f655a1c9f0791
[17:33:55] INFO: Using port 8123
Address in use
Port 8123 is in use by another program. Either identify and stop that program, or start the server with a different port.
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
When you start that up, it gives you instructions…
The reference to port 8124 is the webhook you created talking to the main HA installation to pass data. I suspect a problem with creating the wrbhook or something.
To finish setting up the integration, you need to tell the Ecowitt station to send data to Home Assistant at the following address:
Server IP / Host Name:
Path: /api/webhook/67ad9c75e2f9cc6544a6cc94fcc40fc2
Port: 8123
You can access the Ecowitt configuration in one of two ways:
Use the Ecowitt App (on your phone):
Select the Menu Icon (☰) on the upper left, then My Devices → Pick your station
Select the Ellipsis Icon (⋯) → Others
Select DIY Upload Servers → Customized
Make sure to choose 'Protocol Type Same As: Ecowitt'
Enter the Server IP / Host Name, Path, and Port (printed above). Note: The path has to match! Remove the first forward slash from the path, as the app will prepend one.
Navigate to the Ecowitt web UI in a browser at the station IP address:
Select Weather Services then scroll down to 'Customized'
Make sure to select 'Customized: 🔘 Enable' and 'Protocol Type Same As: 🔘 Ecowitt'
Enter the Server IP / Host Name, Path, and Port (printed above).