Electricity Graph that shows diff

Dear all,

I’m apparently too kind of a noob to solve my problem… I have integrated an smartmeter into my HA and created a helper. I’ve also created an mini graph to see the “usage” but my graph just shows the increase…


type: custom:mini-graph-card

  • entity: sensor.at0010000000000000001000015259202
    name: Poraba Elektrike
    graph: bar
    name: Poraba Elektrike
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower-export
    decimals: 3
    font_size: 80
    font_size_header: 15
    height: 80
    hours_to_show: 168
    group_by: date
    aggregate_func: max

I’d like to have a graph that show the “real” consumption per day - like 6kWh on day an 5 kWh the other and so on… Could someone help me out with it?

I’d be very happy if there would be a grid that shows the consumption on 2 decimals.

Thank you for your help!
