Electronic and Wired Doorbell


A few smart people documented how to attach a magnet to a door sensor which when placed inside a wired dumb doorbell can be added to Home Assistant. I had this all setup and it worked perfectly.

That is until I opened up the doorbell one day to swap out the door sensor and the thing that gets hammered fell apart. My dumb doorbell died.

I replaced it with an electronic one made by Hampton Bay .

It’s wired (with electricity) and there is a transformer somewhere in the house.

I’d like to detect when the doorbell goes off but there is nothing physical which makes the chime. The chime is completely electronic.

I’m also betting that connecting a door sensor to the contacts on the doorbell would be a bad idea, so I was wondering if anyone else has managed to detect when doorbell is pressed on electronic and wired doorbell.

Here is a photo of the guts: https://imgur.com/a/BXE2swY

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I found this solution. Are you using Z-Wave in your setup?

That’s what I was doing with my old door bell. The new one has no magnetic coil or physical parts. It’s a speaker :frowning:

I’m using a doorbell switch wired to a slave Pi that sends GPIO MQTT states to HA. As for the chime, HA alerts me on my phone with a doorbell sound (and video camera image) and also the house’s iPad with the volume up full. This is close enough to the door that the caller can hear it. The other option I’m considering is to play the doorbell file through a media player and the raspi headphone socket and some powered speakers.

Isn’t there a way you could put a Pi or a Node MCU between the button and the bell, to monitor the physical button push, alert Home-Assistant but also allow the physical bell to ring as normal?