If you are like me, my HA is running of Raspi and i have few other apps running with web interface such as sonarr, pyload, sabnzb, transmission etc. Can we have functionality to display these app web pages inside HA so we dont have to vpn or expose the ports to access it? Web embedding function as such?
If I understand correctly what you are trying to achieve, the better solution would be to use a dedicated reverse proxy on your pi. That way you would only have to expose a single port to the outside, and as a sideeffect could also add an additional authentication layer.
Google “raspberry pi reverse proxy” for tutorials on how to do that.
hi daniel,
not like reverse proxy, more like an embeded website inside the HA web interface. I dont know exactly how this will work or what kind of technology that can be used here.
similiar concept (i think) with web cam stream, it grabs the feed and display it on HA.
I think what he is trying to say is that it would be nice to have an option in view tabs to call an outside URL so that you can incorporate another web interface, like Glances for example, to be called up as part of the HA interface. This may be a poor example and may not work in Jekyll, but essentially have a component that produces an iframe.