I am getting this message in my logs
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue] Failed to create HTTP server at port 8300: [Errno 99] error while attempting to bind on address (‘’, 8300): address not available
I have my homeassistant setup via traefik, so host mode is not available, unfortunately it has the side effect of disabling my emulated_hue integration. Previously, I ran into an issue converting over to traefik with my homekit integration, but have since fixed that by creating a homeassistant.service file in /etc/avahi/services/. I have looked around and cannot find a similar way of dealing with emulated_hue as hoped. I have opened the 8300 port in my docker-compose.yml file yet HA cannot access it, as it throws this error on booting up. Doing some initial troubleshooting, all random ports I’ve tried return the same error.
I don’t use emulated_hue for much other than adding the ability of mapping some lights/switches to buttons on my Harmony remote. If there is a way around that then I would do it another way. Thanks to anyone has an idea how to approach this.