Having a lot of trouble with the Emulated Hue for my new Alexa setup. Essentially my HASS is on a Raspberry Pi 1 ( and my Alexa setup is on a Rpi3 ( The config for my emulated hue is…
listen_port: 8300
- script
- scene
expose_by_default: true
- light
- switch```
I have my devices configured as command line switches. Config is:
command_on: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4199875 1 182
command_off: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4199884 1 180
friendly_name: "Radio"
command_on: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4200195 1 180
command_off: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4200204 1 180
friendly_name: "Monitor"
command_on: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4201731 1 180
command_off: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4201740 1 180
friendly_name: "Bedroom Light"
command_on: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4207875 1 180
command_off: /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend 4207884 1 180
friendly_name: "Not In Use"```
I get the correct JSON object when I go to http://<HA IP Address>:8300/api/pi/lights so the service seems to be up and running but Alexa can't find any devices. Either through the app itself or using a voice command to discover devices. Probably the oddest thing is when I tried to run HASS from the command line to see every line of what was happening and identify the error, I found the lines that dealt with the Hue, but all it said was....
```17-05-27 02:08:20 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded light.hue from homeassistant.components.light.hue
17-05-27 02:08:21 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Setting up light.hue
17-05-27 02:08:21 INFO (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.light.hue] Emulated hue found, will not add```
Full output can be found here [https://pastebin.com/rzQzvc2G](https://pastebin.com/rzQzvc2G)
I've tried....
- Updating HASS
- Creating a Hue account and adding the skill to Alexa
- Trying to discover devices shortly after config of HASS had finished (someone suggested the window to discover devices is brief)
- Tried sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n port 8300 to see if any traffic made it to the HASS/ Alexa and nothing there
Sort of at a loss here now. Do I need to configure port forwarding on my router or something? That's really the last thing I can think of that's screwing this up is something on my router's firewall blocking the traffic. Hoping someone here can point me in the right direction/ provide some good ideas to test out. Thanks for any help :grin:
Edit - Wrong Pastebin link and fixed some of the code formatting