Emulated_hue - not seeing my exposed devices

Hello all.

I believe I’ve done everything with this emulated_hue object I could find in these forums, but no joy…

I see it up and running:: http://ip:8300/description.xml

<friendlyName>HASS Bridge (</friendlyName>

However, results from http://ip:8300/api/pi/lights
If I expose_by_default: false, it returns {}
If I expose_by_default: true, I get everything:

{“modelid”: “HASS123”, “name”: "Living room …
{“modelid”: “HASS123”, “name”: “Upstairs”, " …
{“modelid”: “HASS123”, “name”: "Downstairs_c …
{“modelid”: “HASS123”, “name”: "all automati …
{“modelid”: “HASS123”, “name”: "RecRoom lamp …
{“modelid”: “HASS123”, “name”: "Living room …
{“modelid”: “HASS123”, “name”: "RecRoom_cams …

But with either expose_by_default setting, I don’t see anything I asked to be created:

  type: alexa
  expose_by_default: true
     name: "ha2"


friendly-name: “HUE emulated HA1”
emulated_hue: true

Am I looking in the right place?
Thank you…
Pi3 B+
Home Assistant 0.84.6
Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) Kernel…: Linux 4.14.79-v7+

Well, after coming across this posting over on Reddit, I’m now thinking my perception of this emulated_hue was off-base. As you might see from my original posting, I was hoping to make a new, enumerated-only-device that Alexa could see, and respond to when HA turned it on. That would have provided a great way to initiate a routine on Alexa (like to say something), that it can’t do at this time.

In general, the help pages for HA are great, but I think this one could use a use-case example.

It can be used that way … someone on here outlines the steps to creating a “virtual or dummy” light and HA watches the brightness I already have about 10 routines setup doing just that. I’m at work so I can’t look for the post but if you search for Alexa TTS I feel like it was ReneTode possibly… but anyway for the hue you have to choose expose by default false then if you individually list each you want exposed but you have to add the line “hidden: false” to each entity… reboot, rediscover and it’s should work