i have an automation that is disabled by default. If i enable that automation it should execute the sequence when the automation is enabled for 10 seconds and than disables it self.
this is my automation:
alias: Ganglicht automatisch ausschalten
description: ""
- alias: Wenn die Automatisation eine bestimmte Zeit lang aktiv ist
platform: state
- automation.disable_floorlight
to: "on"
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 10
condition: []
- service: light.turn_off
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: light.grossraum
alias: Licht im Gang ausschalten
- alias: Automatisierung wieder beenden
service: automation.turn_off
metadata: {}
stop_actions: false
entity_id: automation.disable_floorlight
mode: restart
The action will not take place. But the message “run” is displayed (in german “ausgeführt”).
This is behind a click on the message “run”:
id: "0"
idx: "0"
alias: Wenn die Automatisation eine bestimmte Zeit lang aktiv ist
platform: state
entity_id: automation.disable_floorlight
entity_id: automation.disable_floorlight
state: "off"
id: "1707771353464"
last_triggered: "2024-02-19T23:16:38.461101+00:00"
mode: restart
current: 0
friendly_name: Ganglicht automatisch ausschalten
last_changed: "2024-02-19T23:17:22.294759+00:00"
last_updated: "2024-02-19T23:17:22.294759+00:00"
parent_id: null
user_id: null
entity_id: automation.disable_floorlight
state: "on"
id: "1707771353464"
last_triggered: "2024-02-19T23:16:38.461101+00:00"
mode: restart
current: 0
friendly_name: Ganglicht automatisch ausschalten
last_changed: "2024-02-19T23:17:26.597630+00:00"
last_updated: "2024-02-19T23:17:26.597630+00:00"
parent_id: null
user_id: a83f5e7aa5e84a639fbfb0b6ec492796
__type: <class 'datetime.timedelta'>
total_seconds: 10
attribute: null
description: state of automation.disable_floorlight
parent_id: null
user_id: a83f5e7aa5e84a639fbfb0b6ec492796
That’s quite interesting. I am able to replicate the same behavior. What you have found seems to be a bug in the UI of the automation editor. The automation should not trigger. And you will find that if you exit out of the automation editor and disable/re-enable that same automation from the automation list, your automation will not trigger.
The automation should not trigger because it needs to be enabled first before the trigger can be armed, and only then can it react to state changes. Since the automation’s state is already on before the trigger is armed, it will not see the state changing toon and so this will not work.
I’m not sure what your end goal is, but I’m certain there are better methods of achieving it than what you’ve outlined.
This automation should disable my floor lights after a defined period of time. This instance is running in an office. When you go to home and you leave your room with switching off your lights, the floor lights should automatically switch on and switch off after 2 Minutes.
My first solution was:
Create an automation disabled by default
Disable the automation before enabling it to reset the “last” changed timestamp
Enable the automation by pressing the rooms lights button for switch off
After automation is enabled for 2 Minutes, switch off floor lights
Disable automation
But for now, i will go with a helper variable, so changing the variable with current timestamp and listen with an automation for that change. And if the change resists about 2 minutes, disable the floor lights.
I am not sure if that will do the correct thing, because we have 5 rooms, where on exit of that room the floor lights should stay on for 2 minutes.
Perhaps mode must be “restart”, so if person of room 1 exits and the timer starts for 2 minutes, but after 1m 30s a person of room 2 exits, so the timer must restart.
But with my helper variable as datetime i am able to set explicit a time when the lights should go off this is a cool feature, in case some one is a bit slower in walking, then we can increase the timer to 3 minutes for his room.
By the way, changing the method how the trigger will work did the trick.
For those they are interested in my working example - here are the code snippets:
DateTime-Helper when the lights in the floor should turned off
name: Ausschalten der Flurlichter um
has_date: true
has_time: true
Automation Script when Button for Room Lights on/off was pressed
alias: Raum 02 - Lichtschalter
description: ""
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.plusi4_r2_input_3_input
from: "off"
to: "on"
alias: Lichtschalter gedrückt wurde
condition: []
- alias: >-
Ganglicht einschalten, wenn es dunkel ist und das Licht im Raum
ausgeschaltet wird
- alias: Alle Bedingungen müssen erfüllt sein
condition: and
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.current_darkness
state: "on"
enabled: true
alias: Es ist dunkel
- condition: state
entity_id: light.power_switch_room_02_light_switch
state: "on"
enabled: true
alias: Das Licht ist gerade noch an
- condition: state
entity_id: light.grossraum
state: "off"
alias: Die Lichter im Gang sind aus
- service: light.turn_on
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: light.grossraum
alias: Licht im Gang einschalten
- alias: Licht im Gang automatisch wieder ausschalten
service: input_datetime.set_datetime
entity_id: input_datetime.disable_floorlights_at
datetime: |
{{ (now().timestamp() + 2*60 + 10)
| timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }}
- service: light.toggle
entity_id: light.power_switch_room_02_light_switch
data: {}
alias: Licht im Raum an/aus
mode: single
Automation to turn off floor lights
alias: Ganglicht automatisch ausschalten
description: ""
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.disable_floorlights_at
condition: []
- service: light.turn_off
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: light.grossraum
alias: Licht im Gang ausschalten
mode: single