I’m really new to Home-Assistant and my problem cannot be as complicated as it is for me as a new user. But as I only find topics regarding more complicated automations and scripts, I’m no creating my own topic.
What do I want to achieve?
I want to create a button in Lovelace, which by a single click executes a scene which is stored on my Hue Bridge V2.
What have I done so far?
I created scripts for every scene I want to use in my scripts.yaml like this:
alias: 'Scene Name'
- service: hue.hue_activate_scene
group_name: Room_Name
scene_name: Scene_Name
mode: single
icon: mdi:some-icon
I then created a button in lovelace like this:
- type: button
entity: script.name_of_scene
name: Short Scene Name
What are my current results?
I seems to be right, what I have done because when pressing the button a popup appears in which my script can be executed (and therefore my scene gets enabled).
What should be changed?
I don’t want to press “execute”, but the script (in this case the scene) should be immediately executed when pressing the button. I tried to put “tap_action” in my Lovelace button, but this resulted in a missing popup and also didn’t enable the scene from my Hue Bridge.
I don’t think it can be very complicated to execute the script directly / immediately when pressing the button, but I don’t know how to get there. Please give me some advice on how to get this done.
Thanks in advance.