Enable screen blanking?

I’m using the x86 version on a Dell Latitude.

I ssh’ed in and cat /etc/issue returns:

Welcome to Alpine Linux 3.15
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)

So i guess that’s me inside a container, Supervisor probably, I need to read up on how its all tied together for sure.

Home Assistant OS is based on something debian-like I believe, and I think I really just want to add a service:
Following manpage for setterm
I think this should give a blank screen after 2 mins, and a vesa power off signal after 3?


Description=Enable virtual console blanking

ExecStart=/usr/bin/setterm --blank 2 --powerdown 3


and then change permissions and enable it:

sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/enable-console-blanking.service
sudo systemctl enable enable-console-blanking.service

Am I along the right lines?
Will a future update break the above (likely)?

I’d guess by searching i’m not the only one, so could possibly look into a contrib, if I can make sure this works with the other builds across the various SBC boards etc… Or someone with more knowledge :slight_smile:

Looked here first: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/blob/ae0aeb84f513d877e402d38bd547555bd67f0b22/Documentation/configuration.md

I’ll find myself a usb drive tomorrow and generate a keypair to ssh in on 22222 as explained here.