Enabling EDL21 Current Power Consumption


i need help with the Power Measruemtn IR-Sensor EDL21.

I have a working config with shows me the total power consumption on kWh …but Id like to have the current power.

On my electric meter I can see the current power, that goes through in Watt.
The Meter is from:
Itron OpenWay 3.Hz

How can I read it our with the sensor and show it to HA ?

My configurarion.yaml looks like that:

  • platform: edl21

    serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0042-if00-port0

none? please help me

You might check wheter your meter already reports sum_active_instantaneous_power