Hello All, I have searched around on this for quite some time and maybe I am not searching for the correct verbiage to solve my issue. I have been using SmartThings for quite a few years and now finally slowly taking the plunge to HA. In Smartthings with my Zooz switches I am able to disable physical local control and enable scenes based on multiple toggles up 1-6x and down with my smart bulbs. For example, rooms with ceiling fans only have the one Zooz physical switch so I have a scene with 1 toggle up turning on the bulbs and 2 toggles up turns on the ceiling fan (the fan is connected to a Zooz relay behind switch plate without any sort of attached physical switch and is run completely through a toggled scene as noted above) I can turn things off with same amounts of toggle down or whatever scenes I wish to enact with the multiple toggles up or down which enacts scenes. Right now I have not as of yet moved all my SmartThings devices over to HA so I am only running the SmartThings integration so possibly my issue is with the switch type not being appropriately picked up in the integration? ( I wanted to better understand simple actions like these that I am using in SmartThings before I start migrating a few hundred devices over with little understanding on how to equate to my dozens of ST automations) I am more than happy to read or review any information, but I am struggling to find the relative information on how to handle multiple toggled switch scenes. If someone could get me kickstarted in the right direction I surely would appreciate it! TIA!!