Hey everyone, I’ve been having a weird issue for well over a year now with my Conbee II. If an end device is connected through one of my Ikea Tradfri outlets that act as routers, they respond lightning fast 99.9% of the time. However, regardless of what sensor it is (even buttons/remotes seem to be impacted sometimes), if the end device is connected directly to the Conbee II it will add anywhere from a 0.5s to 2s delay or sometimes not even respond. Replugging it has a 50/50 chance to fix the problem for a few hours or so, but it ends up ruining the rest of the Zigbee network and the speedup only lasts so long that I’ve avoided this workaround moving forward.
I’ve tried many different firmware versions over the last few years, and while the latest firmware seems to have helped, the issue still remains. I’ve also tried different installation methods, going from a VMware Home Assistant OS installation to bare metal HA OS (more on this in a second) to a Docker containerized installation which I’ve currently settled on as it’s the most stable. There was no luck hopping around from ZHA to DeConz to Z2M, changing Zigbee channels, or other common fixes for Zigbee lag either. The only thing that’s helped is having Zigbee routers, but as far as I can tell you can’t force a Zigbee path and I’d like to avoid purchasing more smart plugs I won’t use.
Unfortunately I have no systems available to run bare metal on, but during my time on bare metal HA OS I noticed that the problem had disappeared entirely for the day or two that I used it. I have no idea if it was placebo or because it was replugged, but end devices connected directly to the coordinator and not through a router stayed faster the entire time. If it wasn’t placebo, I’m wondering if the Conbee II is running extra software when plugged into a recognizable Windows or Linux machine? My current
Sorry if a lot of this sounds garbled, I’m finding it hard to condense my findings. The TL;DR is that for whatever reason, Zigbee end devices connected directly to the Conbee II instead of a router are very slow, except when I was testing a generic x86-x64 install that I can’t move back to at this time. If anyone has any info that could help resolve this issue on my Docker installation I’d really appreciate it, thanks a bunch in advance!