Energize a relay for a given time period to control tilt function on my blinds

Hello out there…

I want to automate my blinds only for the tilt function (not raise or lower, just tilt). I have the actuators needed. They have 3 wires, one for clockwise rotation, one for counter clockwise rotation and a common. They are 24 vac. The amount of time that I want to actuate in either direction will vary depending on how open % I want the blinds to be at any given day/time of day.

Is it possible to use HA (Hassbian) to energize the relay(s) for a given time period, then de-energize? That way I can define the % open on each command that I want the blinds to go to. The time period would need to be commandable.



Assuming you have created an entity or entities that control(s) the relays, then you should be able to create a sequence that energizes one, waits an amount of time calculated from the input %, and then de-energizes the relay. I can’t say how accurately it will do this (probably depends on a lot of factors like the raw performance of your HA platform, how many other things you’ve configured it to do, etc.), but I would guess that it should be accurate enough for your stated use case.

That makes perfect sense. The exact timing is not totally necessary. Close is good enough. The reason I cannot include mechanical stops on the actuator is the rotation required for the full tilt open/closed is more than 360 degrees, so I am left to trying the timing of the relay(s) closure. I am thinking I will need 2 relays (1 for open and 1 for closed) or a floating control relay (if I can find one).
