Energy Dashboard Add Electric Car consumption

Hello Beautiful ppl ! Need some help about configuring ev charger.

Background : I have sungrow hybrid inverter with 13kw solar. I use Isolar-Cloud integration to fetch the Solar/grid/consumption data. Recently I have installed a EV Wall Charger (Tesla Gen3) but the charging consumption does not shows up in the Isolar Cloud. I want to use the power flow plus card to combine the usage of home and tesla charging info.

Current status : I am able to crate a group sensor which shows the combination of Power consumption (EV charging + home Usage )

Need help : I am not sure how to define the logic specially if/esle things since I am not much familar with the yml syntax. Since the GRID data (pv->grid) and (grid-pv) fetch directly from Isolar cloud, its not reflect group consumption. Any idea how to define the logic on Grid side ?
grid to pv = total_consumption - solar_gen
pv to grid = solar_gen - total_consumption
Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 8.21.41 pm

Thanks in advance.

Hello, another HA user with EV and PV that is waiting for integration of the EV into the energy dashboard.

Also wailting.

Ended up here when researching this topic. It would be great to get proper EV integration. We are getting an MQTT enabled charger soon, and I think I’ll use the gas integration like others suggested.

+1 for the Car Charger support

+1 for native EV charger support in energy panel

It is a pain right now. I want nice graphs of the house consumption without the wallbox. My solution is to create a new sensor that substracts the charger from the house:

      - name: "Hausstrom ohne Wallbox Gesamt"
        unique_id: 83239921-2be6-48aa-ab7d-d4e315b993e2
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing
        state: >
            (states('sensor.verbrauchszaehler_e320_total_in') | float(0) 
            - states('sensor.evcc_schuppen_charge_total_import') | float(0)) 
            | round(2) 
        availability: >
            states('sensor.verbrauchszaehler_e320_total_in') | is_number 
            and states('sensor.evcc_schuppen_charge_total_import') | is_number 

Works, but once I charge the car with the solar batterie (usualy don’t but still twerking the setting) it shows an negative house consumption.

Have the same issue. So you have to make an extra sensor that calculates the battery usage + solar + net supply and then substract the car usage. What’s left is house usage.