Energy dashboard and Hildebrand Glow (DCC) integration

I’m using the Hildebrand Glow (DCC) integration to provide DCC Sourced smart electricity meter Usage data to the grid consumption in the Energy dashboard (and gas) .
The daily figures in the Energy dashboard for both electricity and gas match the figures in the Glow app pretty well. So this indicates that the source data is OK.
The hourly gas figures in the Energy dashboard are also pretty good.
But the hourly electricity figures are all over the place which indicates that there’s a problem with the dashboard.
Is anyone else seeing this?

This is a known issue with any usage of the central smart meter database. Your meter will not always successfully update to the database and therefore timed interval usage will be off.

If you want accurate hourly data, you need to get a CAD that will allow integration with HA. I have a Hildebrand Glow CAD and this connects to the smart meter zigbee network, sends data via wifi to Hildebrand and then the integration pulls data from their servers. It has the odd timing diff but generally pretty accurate on a 15 min update interval.

The Glow CAD can send data via local MQTT to HA in real time. There is a custom component for HA. I tried for ages to get the DCC one working reliably but never did so just bought the Glow CAD as mentioned above.

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Thanks for your replies @msp1974 and @Holdestmade.
Good to know that the problem is not just mine.

I know about the Glow CAD, but unfortunately it won’t work with my meters.
(Smets1 with a Trilliant hub. There’s a known problem that Trilliant Comms Hubs will not accept instructions from DCC Other Users.)
Very annoying!

I had the same meter and problems, Octopus to replaced the meters to new SMETS2 ones. One of the main reasons I left British Gas - they were not interested in fixing / replacing the meters (although they did get upgraded by DCC and worked for a little while, albeit unreliably)