Energy dashboard results into lovelace card

Hello. In energy dashboard there is daily total energy in kWh and total daily costs in a preset currency. Is it possible to show those numbers somewhere elase in lovelace dashboard? Lets say on a daily, or weekly or any other preset base? Thank you.

All the energy cards can be used elsewhere - but with limited ability to configure.

Energy Cards - Home Assistant (

You might also find you could do something with a Utility Meter helper, to take in data from your main energy entities and apply different cycles etc.

Utility Meter - Home Assistant (

Thank you @eggman this is what I tried (energy cards). I was almost decided to try apexchart as there is a sample showing it is possible to get daily/monthly bar or line values. But at the end of the page about utility meter there is an example which could be what I search for. But Shelly 3EM uses 3 (separeted) phases measuring. Daily, hourly or any other total consumption is the sum of those 3 measurements. Please could you help me with preparing similar code to show total monthly (by day) and daily (by hours) graphic bar or line output? Not sure where to start - what is the difference between offpeak and peak sensor etc… Thank you so much.

I tried to create total energy sensor. I could record this and take data from this. But I would like to go the easiest way mean I don´t want to have more DB querries than needed. And total energy consumption must stored somewhere right now…

      friendly_name: 'Total energy'
        - sensor.shellyem3_485519ca0af1_channel_a_power
        - sensor.shellyem3_485519ca0af1_channel_b_power
        - sensor.shellyem3_485519ca0af1_channel_c_power
      value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.shellyem3_485519ca0af1_channel_a_power')|float + states('sensor.shellyem3_485519ca0af1_channel_b_power')|float + states('sensor.shellyem3_485519ca0af1_channel_c_power')|float)|round(3) }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"

TBF I don’t do any energy monitoring, I just looked at the docs. Maybe someone with more experience can assist.