Energy Dashboard Scaling

I love looking back through the energy dashboard but when I flick through each day for comparison the scale changes on the data visualizations so some days look better than others.

Is it possible to add a fixed scale option? Perhaps it could grab the data from the past month/year so the scale doesn’t jump around so much while looking at the daily historical data, or have a setting option/dropdown near the graph to go into fixed mode?

The grabbing data from previous periods I would definitely rather not have. I agree sometimes the graph isn’t great to read when my car was charged and that high bar pushes all other energy use into a small line at the bottom. But having that day make other days look consistent to that is not an improvement in my book.

(In case you’re wondering why I do not charge the car using solar produce but at 23:00: this is a long story about Dutch government using a wrong way to subsidize solar panels, the new government throwing away the proposed bill that would fix that somewhat, and stupid outdated energy tariffs.

TLDR: it was cheaper with the contract I had. The energy companies got fed up with it and introduced a solar export penalty to circumvent the original law, and now I do charge using excess solar production to avoid the penalty on export.

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Surely some sort of fixed scale would help compare days to each other? I know the is the compare option but I’d like to be able to flick through the days and see if there is an obvious jump.