I’m really unsure as to what would have happened here. I don’t recall doing an upgrade or anything at that time on the 12th of March and it’s been consistently broken since then.
I don’t have data going back that far in history but from what I can see on the accumulated mains reading it looks about right, at least in that it’s got a typical steady increase overnight and then a drop as solar kicks in:
Is this data recoverable? And if so how would I fix this?
I’m just using the built-in database and running as a hassio VM. Comfortable diving into the database (developer by trade) but haven’t needed to do that and unsure of how I would do that in an online state.
So have had a little bit of time to look into this and I think my data is ultimately going to be recoverable, I first need to work out what the cause is.
At the timeslot that the graph starts going crazy I can see that it’s started to record a “last_reset” value: