Energy monitoring not working since 2025.1 (emporia vue)

I noticed today that my energy monitoring is not working. All the devices have values and they are updating. I tried removing the grid consumption device but now it won’t let me select it again. I just get this:

The device I’m trying to select is configured to use kWh, so i don’t know why it wont’ show up.

The same for the individual devices except I get just a “display name” box but I can’t select anything at all.


Here is the config for my “total” device for the house:

and here is one of the individual devices (circuit):

Any help would be appeciated.

been looking more into this and thought maybe that the emporia integration changed something, but it looks to me like the device class and state class are set correctly at least for the “grid” one:

Have you tried to reload HA and the integration? Are you using Emporia off-the-shelf (Emporia cloud and app), or using cloud-less update?

I’ve removed and readded the integration and still no go. And I am using the off the shelf.

The data is in HA. I can see it change on the devices. I just can’t select the devices on the energy dashboard to set it up.

I also am an off-the-shelf user. When I had starting troubles I found going back to double check the hardware installation while tracking it all through the Emporia app helped me recover (before going further with HA). But it’s been about a year since, so the details escape me. But mainly, it seems like your integration didn’t take.

I’d suggest insuring the device is working right (contact Emporia if necessary, good help there), then start over with the integration installation (GitHub - magico13/ha-emporia-vue: Home Assistant Integration for Emporia Vue Energy Monitor). Sorry I can’t help more than that.

When I say that the devices update, I mean that they update in HA. I can see all the devices in HA, but I can’t add them to the energy monitor.

As you can see I have data. Do I have to wait the “2 days” before I can even add a device to the energy dashboard? this is not how it worked in the past.

No, it shouldn’t take 2 days. The re-installation didn’t go well, it would appear.

Have you looked at Developer / Statistics to see if any repairs are called for?

" I can see all the devices in HA, but I can’t add them to the energy monitor." - That’s a clue I don’t know how to resolve. :frowning:

Thanks @bob.t for the help.

I guess this is a bug in HA? I even checked my old pi and it all stopped working when I installed 2025.1