Entities no longer exposed for Assist (Aliases didn't work in Assist)

(i would say) since the upgrade to 2024.12.1 my voice assistant no more work.

when i start the conversation on my mobile it understands “Area, alias, on/off” and the answer is “does not exist”. When i enter by hand “Area Alias on/off” it failes with “is not exposed”.
I doublechecked it and it is exposed to assist, the Area is correct and the Alias is set.

Did i miss an announce that the alias is no more working? It seems when i trigger the Entity name, it works…

HA 2024.12.1
Voice Assist: Home Assistant Cloud, German
Same issue in Home Assistant, fast-whisper, piper, German

Update: i’ve installed every update, but standard-commands like light on/off still didn’t work.
When i use voice commands created by my own in automations, they work.

More testing…
I changed the Area, because maybe it’s an issue with the german umlaut “ä” to “werkstatt”, but in DevTools → Assist i get this:

It seems it’s a problem how HA or me understand the sentence “Gästezimmer Deckenlicht ein” (Guestroom Ceilinglight on). The Command “Gästezimmer Licht ein” (Guestroom Light on) works.

For me it looks like the Aliases didn’t work.
I changed the name of the light to “Gästezimmer Deckenlicht” and now it can be turned on/off by Assist and voice.

Having the same issue: Defined aliases don’t work and the pipleline is ignoring those.
When debugging the recognized STT is 100% of what I have defined as alias to an entity but it’s not matched.