starting with few versions ago, my HA does not refresh values in browser nor in mobile app. The only way to see realtime values is to refresh the page or close/reopen mobile app. And its not only about values, if I have a light switch button, and my light is currently off, if I press the button to turn on the light, the light will turn on, but the icon will still show off until I refresh the page. Same thing happens for every other entity/switch/whatever else
Anyone faced same issue? Am I missing any configuration?
custom-ui.js:1205 Uncaught TypeError: l.match is not a function
at custom-ui.js:1205
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.maybeApplyTemplateAttributes (custom-ui.js:1203)
at Object.maybeApplyTemplates (custom-ui.js:1220)
at custom-ui.js:1411
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at HTMLElement.t._updateHass (custom-ui.js:1407)
at Array.<anonymous> (app.e45b0549.js:41607)
at Object.s [as setState] (core.87e3602e.js:1)
at core.87e3602e.js:1