Is there any way to have a custom state for the unit in an entity card?
Basically… I would like to show when a state was last updated, but a secondary card does not exist for the standard entity (it does in entities) - so instead I was going to change the unit to be the last updated state.
This is what I was after, but it doesnt look like this is possible:
This is what is happening when I try:
type: entity
entity: sensor.pure_gym_attendance
state_color: false
icon: mdi:weight-lifter
name: Pure Gym
unit: >
{{ states.sensor.pure_gym_attendance.last_changed }}
This is what I was trying to accomplish with the above (im aware that the above is timestamped, not minutes ago - it was just a test):
Sorry i’ve has to upload the images this way…
a new member can only upload 1 picture…
Any help would be greatly appreciated.