Entity resets after restart

Hi, I set an entity to show 40W, after reboot it goes back to 0kW.

I made an image to recap the problem. Some is in Dutch, I can translate if needed. I tried to set Home Assistant in English for the screenshot under Settings > System > General > Language, but it did not change after a restart. :confused:

  1. Correct display of 54W
  2. Restart Home Assistant
  3. Now shows in 0kW, not useful
  4. Change to Standard Precision first (else it wont work)
  5. Change to correct precision, back at 1)

note: there is nothing in configuration.yaml about this sensor

I still have the same problem with the latest version:

Home Assistant 2023.5.2
Supervisor 2023.04.1
Operating System 10.1
Frontend-versie: 20230503.3 - latest