Environmental monitoring

I am looking for environmental monitor system for about 20 sites where I could monitor temperature and humidity.

For each site I would need 2-3 indoor sensors (inside server racks) and preferably one outdoor sensor as well on some sites.

All sites are basically Fiber endpoint with fair number of Cisco switches that I would like to monitor.
Sites are connection via Fiber on a separated VLAN so I imagine I could use a LAN based sensor on-side that talks directly to our head office.

I would like to use SNMP (from Home Assistant?) that I would integrate into our Zenoss, LibreNMS and Zabbix systems.

Do you have any ideas that you would like to share?

I wouldn’t use Home Assistant for this. It’s worth the money to look at something like the APC NetBotz series which do proper environmental monitoring, alerting, SNMP etc to feed into your NMS.

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Good point,
And to be 100% honest, I posted here in the Home Assistant forum as I know all the good geeks are here :slight_smile: