Envisalink/Honeywell Alarm and automations

Hi all,

I am just learning Home Assistant and I’m slowly working through it. I have the Envisalink working with the Honeywell Vista 20P (can see the status of sensors live,) but I cannot figure out how to do simple automations with those sensors or through alarm status. When I tried, Home Assistant wouldn’t allow me to do it (it gave me an error message.) What I want to do, at least to start out, is if this contact (door, etc.) opens, then turn on this light during these times/days, etc. I also am trying to figure out how to make it do the same if the system goes into “alarm mode.” If the alarm goes into intrusion status, turn this light on, etc. What’s the easiest way to accomplish these? Thanks

i have an automation for if the back door opens (Ademco/Envisalink Sensor), then turns the outside lights on. I have trigger state from off to on for “back door sensor” to call service light turn on and it works flawlessly.

Unfortunately, the issue is I am getting the following warning for any device related to the alarm: “This entity (‘alarm_control_panel.home_alarm’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.” Getting this for any alarm-related device.

How do I resolve this issue if I want to do automations without having to write a script?

Just saw the thread… Where exactly are you getting that message? Its useful info but usually you only see it when you open an entity that was created through an integration or manual in yaml and a unique id is not assigned. If you built these entities you can add an ID but if they came from an integration it would have to be updated to add the ids. But its usually a non issue as you should only see it if you attempt to edit entity directly in HA’s UI and should not cause any issues in creating automations?

When I try to go into automations and associate that device and/or when I go into the entities section and click on that device, it tells me this. The entities showed up once I used the Envisalink integration and added Envisalink into the configuration.yaml

Let me see what I can do in an ‘automation’ I KNOW for a fact my entities also show the no id warning - but again dont get hung up on that - there’s almost nothing you can do about it.

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Did you ever get this resolved? I have the same panel and an EVL-4 and am trying to do the same automation - when a door is opened after 10 pm, turn on a light. It worked consistently for a day, but then I touched the automation settings and now it doesn’t. I set the trigger to binary_sensor.left_door changes from “closed”. I see the door open and close event in the logbook pretty instantly, but no light response. When I go to trace, there is no recent trace for the event even though it is in the log.

Starting to doubt everything with my EVL-4 automation. Should the state “closed”, “Closed” or “close”? Use the “To” setting instead of “from” ? Maybe editing it in an Android browser corrupts it? I dunno.

Yes, but it’s been a while and I don’t recollect how it resolved itself.

I think I figured it out. Being new to this stuff, I assumed the enumeration in the event logs was the same one to use for the automation, but there are canonical enumerations of the state based on the sensor class. From the fine manual:
The values you see in your overview will often not be the same as the actual state of the entity. For instance, the overview may show Connected when the underlying entity is actually on . You should check the state of the entity by looking in the States menu under Developer tools .