I have eq3 max thermostates and had them working nicely in HA (using hass.io).
Two days ago, they no longer displayed the temperatur and did not allow to set the temperature. After restart, I get a configuration error: HA cannot connect to the eq3 max cube, the connection times out.
I also use the node red plugin of HA. Here, the eq3 max thermostates still work fine. Therefore I think it is a home assistant issue.
Is there any advise what I could try to debug and fix the issue?
Thanks for your reply! It might have pointed me in the right direction: I don’t have any other software connecting to the cube besides HA and the node red plugin. Now, I removed the max eq nodes in node red and restartet HA. I did no longer got the error. Hopefully this was the issue and removing max eq3 from node red is a fix.
Suffering the same.
I understood Max Cube allows only one concurrent connection.
But in my understanding connection is not all-the-time active but only every xx second, defined in pooling_time.
Can someone confirm my understanding is correct or the first connected “client” keeps connection to the cube always open, and therefore makes cube inaccessible for other clients?
I unfortunately cannot answer your question. But I think I solved my problem, maybe this helps you or somebody else as well:
I had my router and the eQ Max hub on the same power plug. What I think happened, was the hub either fetched an IP from the router or manually set a fixed IP for himself if the router was not up yet. In the second case, I could not find the hub in the clients connection list of the router. In case the power is shut down, I know give my router a head start and wait a minute till I plug-in the hub as well.
I’ve solved my issue presuming that only one concurrent connection is allowed (first connected). Looking around I found that in NodeRed I have a palette maxcube and its node in a flow, being connected to the Cube.
Indeed, that node had keeping connection busy so HA could not connect.
After removing maxcube node from Node Red, HA works fine.
I see this as a rather big limitation in handling EQ3 cube…