Error: api_password is going to deprecate. You need to use a bearer token to access /api/ from

I have the following error I’m not seemingly able to get rid of.
“api_password is going to deprecate. You need to use a bearer token to access /api/ from”
As well as
“api_password is going to deprecate. You need to use a bearer token to access /api/hassio_auth from”

Could you help me out?

I deleted the LEGACY_API user. I have the following addons running (

My configuration.yaml looks like this:


########## The start of it all ##########

Name of the location where Home Assistant is running

name: Home
elevation: 50 # altitude above sea level in meters
unit_system: metric
time_zone: Europe/Brussels # From wikipedia

Customization file

customize: !include customize.yaml



  • type: homeassistant


Essential Components


themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes/

#api_password: !secret http_password # from file secrets.yaml
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

include_used_components: true
history: # Enables support for tracking state changes over time
logbook: # View all events in a logbook
map: # Enables a map showing the location of tracked devices


google assistant



Included files


group: !include_dir_merge_named groups/
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors/
binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list binary_sensors/
light: !include_dir_merge_list lights/
switch: !include_dir_merge_list switches/
cover: !include_dir_merge_list covers/
#motor: !include_dir_merge_list motors/
cloud: !include_dir_merge_named cloud/

google_assistant: !include google_assistant_config.yaml


Small Components


sun: # Track the sun

Text to speech


  • platform: google

title: Configurator
icon: mdi:wrench
title: Node-RED
icon: mdi:sitemap

I also have a question, if the legacy API user is deleted, will node-red still work? The API authentication appears to not allow you to select any other user account than the default legacy API?Capture

You need to upgrade your HA node to\

the you can use token


Thanks for this info, I shall update ASAP.

I’m also getting these but can’t work out why

2019-04-04 01:41:01 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.auth] api_password is going to deprecate. You need to use a bearer token to access /api/ from
2019-04-04 01:41:01 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.auth] api_password is going to deprecate. You need to use a bearer token to access /api/hassio_auth from

I’ve deleted api password and the user as well

Same for me, don’t have anything in my network with that IP

I think it is one of the addons I’m running since it is a Docker IP address. Any clue on how to solve the issue?

It looks like it’s now up to the developer of the component/add on to implement the bearer token method of authentication and the message is highlighting this.

I’m receiving a similar message in the Hass log when trying to display a camera stream in HADashboard. Removing the api password in the HADashboard widget and replacing it with the bearer token results in no camera stream being displayed.

I’m assuming reading the documentation that all components/add ons will need to adopt the bearer token authentication in order to work effectively with Hass. Maybe others who are using HADashboard could share their solutions to this problem.

I’m getting three warnings for every reboot, one each to access states, events, and services.

How to find the source? And, is the system a sitting duck for a future lock-up, or ???

Sure be nice to resolve ahead of full depreciation.

I’m also having this issue, is there a way of determining which addon is causing the issue?

The error I’m getting is as follows and I’m running Hassio 0.92.2 inside docker / proxmox.

api_password is going to deprecate. You need to use a bearer token to access /api/google_assistant from

Is it an error or warning.

It’s a warning.