'Please bear with me as i am a newby. I recently installed Sonoff TH10 (switch and sensor)place the details in yaml file (correctly with your help) installed a thermostat in ui yaml and seems Ok? after installing the sonoff TH10 to control the heating i received the following error on the simple thermostat in Ui yaml , Failed to call service Climate set_temperature. expected float for dictionary value @data.[‘temperature’]. Should i have placed a trigger or template in automation yaml. I would again appreciate some help direction on my next step. my sensor is showing in developer tools and on the Tasmota console It is my intention to control the boiler and to be able to see the current temperature etc. Any advise/help would be appreciated.`
Please show the code you used that gave you the error.
sensor.tasmota_status i used this to set up the thermostat for the card. This is the code i setup in yaml,sensor:
- platform: "mqtt"
name: "Pond Temperature"
state_topic: "tele/pond/Hass_State"
value_template: "{{value_json['DS18B20'].Temperature}}"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
availability_topic: "tele/Pond/LWT"
payload_available: "online"
payload_not_available: "offline"
device_class: "temperature"` I have been looking for this error in HA and it states it has something to do Trigger and automation , however i haven't set on up i am think this were i am going wrong?``
Should i be using someone like this `
service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.home
target_temp_low: 18
target_temp_high: "{{ state_attr('climate.home', 'target_temp_high') }}"
For example ?
So you have sensor.pond_temperature
, which shows the temperature from a DS18B20 temperature probe, correct?
And now, what exactly do you want to do with this sensor? Do you want to set the temperature of the climate entity with it or the target_temp_low/high?
Thanks for reply, Currently my koi pond is heated by the house heating on a separate zone valve. and runs fine on the micro processor which can be used for cooling or heat, However i do not know if it running and calling for heating only when I hear the boiler in the middle of night . My goal is to use the Sonoff TH 10 to control when to call for heat and off. the minimum temp is 8˚ deg max 23˚ i want to be able to adjust it remotely rather going to the filter house too change the setting manually. I have connected the sonoff up in place of the Microprocessor and it is working as the temperature has risen (to my surprise) however i can see the temperature on the Nest thermostat in the dashboard . I have obviously not configured Yaml up and i at this point i don have an automation i yaml , Hence i sent the example. I am not looking for anything complicate so that i can learn from as there are other project ai would like do in the filter house. Hope you can direct me and understand?
So you want to set the temperature of the NEST thermostat (climate.home) based on certain conditions or do you just want to turn on/off the NEST thermostat based on certain conditions?