Error registering URL for webhook reolink

When I try to install/connect to my reolink camera I get the following error:

Error registering URL for webhook reolink__ONVIF: HomeAssistant URL is not available

Home Assistant URL is not available, go to Settings > System > Network > Home Assistant URL and correct the URLs, see No URL Available - Home Assistant

If I disable SSL on my Home Assistant install I can get it working.

If I follow the error message feedback to Settings > System > Network > Home Assistant URL - I don’t see a screen as described on the this link No URL Available - Home Assistant

I’m running HAOS. Here are my version numbers.

Core 2024.7.4
Supervisor 2024.06.2
Operating System 12.4
Frontend 20240710.0

Camera is a REOLink RLC-510WA

I think I might have found part of the issue. I’ll look into setting up a reverse proxy.

I’ll post this last message just in case it helps some noob (like me) in the future.

My issue was that I thought it would be great to enable SSL on Home Assistant, which I set up using DuckDNS along with its LetsEncrypt options. It worked great, but from what I read later - some things don’t like to talk to Home Assistant via SSL, and Home Assistant wont allow you to run it on two separate ports (one SSL, one w/o SSL).

So I disabled SSL and set up NGINX as a reverse proxy and let it handle SSL. It works great and wasn’t hard to set up.

Now what’s really cool is I can control me HA devices in my car via Android Auto via my SSL connection.

Hi, I am in the same situation as you with duckdns and the network error with Reolink. Can you please explain step by step how you disabled your SSL and setup NGINX (or NGINX proxy manager)?
I set my HA in 2019, and can’t remember the process for SSL. I beleive it was duckdns, Let’s encrypt and Dnsmasq. But how to disable it SSL now and which NGINX to use?
Please help.