Error Saving File

Hi -
I installed Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi 3 via the Raspberry Pi All-In-One Installer. After completing the installation, I tried editing the configuration.yaml file, but received the following error message:

What steps do I need to take in order to save the edits I would like to make to my configuration file?

Thanks in advance for your help!

What are you using to edit and who are you logged in as? That’s going to be the key here.

I use WinSCP, logged in as the root user.

I am using the preinstalled Geany text editor and I am logged in as pi. I have tried adding pi to the hass group by:

Step #1 - Changing from the pi user to hass user with the following command: sudo su - hass
Step #2 - Adding pi to the hass group with the following command: usermod -a -G hass pi

I receive the following error message from step 1:
"No passwd entry for user ‘hass’

I haven’t seen this error message before.

Any ideas?

I haven’t seen that either though as the Pi user, you should be root so you shouldn’t have a permissions problem.

I am not familiar with that editor but I did find this article:

Judging from your first post, the user you have installed to run HA is homeassistant, not hass. So you should replace hass with homeassistant in the above commands.

sudo su - homeassistant
usermod -a -G homeassistant pi

Personally, I just edit the files as homeassistant user.

If you use windows you can use samba so you can access your config files from the windows explorer thru the network directory. Then you can open the files in any editor, I use notepad++.

There is a video from bruh automation where he explains this and goes through the steps… Although it was like 10 minutes into a 17 minute video or something… I would find it for you but I am at work currently.

Thanks for the feedback.

I received the following error message when trying what was suggested:

Thanks for the response and help!. I was able to get it to work based on the article you provided.

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Oh, awesome! Thanks for letting me know!