Hi everybody,
I’d like to address multiple targets in an action using a template and I wonder how this can be achieved.
Context: My shutters behave like light: They can be switched on and off and setting the brightness they can be shut and opened.
I wanted to open or close the shutters in two steps:
- switching the shutters on, that I want to be opened or closed
- open or close the shutters with state “on” using a slider (1: close, 2: no movement, 3:open)
My dashboard looks like this:
In the first column I have put some buttons to switch certain groups of shutters on and off.
My action script looks like this:
- id: "1732403047762"
alias: Rolläden steuern
- trigger: state
entity_id: input_number.rolladensteuerung
- action: light.turn_on
entity_id: >
{% set entities = ( states.light | selectattr('entity_id', 'search', '^light.rolladen') | selectattr('state', 'equalto', 'on') | rejectattr('entity_id', 'equalto', 'light.rolladen_wohnzimmer') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list | join('\n') ) %}
{{ entities }}
brightness_pct: >
{% set brightness = int(states('input_number.rolladensteuerung')) * 30 %}
{{ brightness }}
If I replace the entity-template with a certain entity id everything works fine. But using the shown template, I get this error:
Error while executing automation automation.rolladen_steuern: Template rendered invalid entity IDs: light.rolladen_1_wz light.rolladen_3_wz light.rolladen_5_wz light.rolladen_4_wz light.rolladen_2_wz
The ids are ok.
I wonder if the indentation is wrong or if the entity ids need to be set in quotation marks? Do they have to be preceded by a hyphen?
If I use the template editor the entity list looks like this (multiline string):
or like this (if I omit the “join”-statement):
Either way it’s not working.
Any ideas, how to solve this issue?
Thanks for helping!