Failed to call service timer/start. offset {{ states('input_number.irrigation_set_time') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S',False) }} should be format 'HH:MM' or 'HH:MM:SS' for dictionary value @ data['duration']
Failed to call service timer/start. expected int for dictionary value @ data['duration']['seconds']
The same errors appear when I run the service and data_template using the “Service” menu in “Development Tools”.
I tried the template {{ }} code in “Template Editor” (under “Development Tools”) and it returned the correct format in both cases (HH:MM:SS format and integer respectivley)
try this then, duration can be the duration in seconds or the “HH:MM:SS” notation. Your first template should have worked. But if it’s not, this should.
Tried it again using the Development Tool/Service.
Getting the same error - expecting time format
Failed to call service timer/start. offset {{ states('input_number.irrigation_set_time') | int | timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S',False) }} should be format 'HH:MM' or 'HH:MM:SS' for dictionary value @ data['duration']
If I put an integer number (for example 60) instead of the template it works.
I wouldn’t be this way if you didn’t continuously do this. There was no reason to make that post. Any veteran here knows that the message field accepts templates the data or data_template field. It’s the exception to the rule. So why even bring it up? All it’s going to do is confuse beginners. But noooo, that’s not the @AhmadK way. He needs to belittle people at every corner whenever he can. Now do you understand why I have such a disdain for you?
I consider many here to be friends, there are also people who are unknown yet who help regardless, all in all most are worthy of my respect and gratitude.
Though my Venn diagram is far from complete.